Rabu, 23 September 2009

Health Services In West Virginia

Health services received the attention of the parliament, among other republics of the particular party designing health legislation and budget cost for heath care.

The chairman of West Virginian Replublican Party has called on the government to exert more attention on health care, the same problem in Michigan medical malpractise insurance, which he said is one of the main factors in the rise of health care cost.

The lawmaker was a urologist, practicing in Bridgeport, West Virginia. He was former president of the West Virginia Medical Associaton. In 2003 when he was president of the associaton, the state approved the establishment of a private-run medical malpractice insurance.

According to Mckenney, he did not pay his membership dues to the American Medical Association (AMA) in 2009 in protest to AMA support to a pending bill before Congress on health care reform. He said the draft health care reform bill should have looked at the experience of West Virginia and that the state should emulate its success.

According to the lawmaker, the proposed bill was silent in addresing the concern of medical malpractice. Until they get that, they re just kidding themselves. They can decrease health care cost until they decrease the cost of medical fees.

We can prove that if you lower the cost on medical malpractice expensus, doctors premiums will also go down. We have the evidence in West Virginia.

Lawmakers in the state of West Virginia passed a law in 2003 that called for the establishment of a physician-run Medial Mutual Cooperative. This was created to avoid the problem faced by the Michigan medical malpractice. To ensure the successful launch of the cooperative, the state has allocated at least $25 million in seed money for the venture. The state legislature also set a limit on medical pain and suffering awards in the state.

McKenney cited the benefits of the legislation which was being credited for the drop in the malpractice suit in the state to as high as 60 percent and decline in health care cost amounting to 40 percent.

He boasts of Mutuals successful operation that, up to date, the cooperative was able to complete payment to the $25 million seed money that the state had provided them.

Medical Mutual also has an estimated $10 million held in escrow in the bank, he said.

They allowed us to form our own Medical Mutual, and it has been largely successful, McKinney said. Our senators (U.S. Senst. Senators Robert Byrd and Jay Rockefeller, both Democrats from Washinton.Va.) and two of our congressmen (U.S. Reps. Democratic lawmakers from Washington Alan Mollodan and Nick Rahall.Va.) not only ignore this, they deny it.

Selasa, 15 September 2009

Meningkatkan Pengunjung Blog dan Menurunkan Ranking Alexa

Kalau kita punya situs atau blog tentunya kita menginginkan banyak pengunjung atau visitors. Dengan banyaknya pengunjung maka artikel yang kita tulis di blog akan banyak yang membaca dan kita bangga karenanya. Untuk mendatangkan pengunjung ke blog kita dapat di lakukan bermacam-macam seperti promosikan blog kita, pemantapan teknik SEO dan sebagainya agar Alexa ranking blog kita bagus dengan banyaknya pengunjung ke blog kita.

Sedikit tentang Alexa, Alexa merupakan sebuah Tool yang di gunakan webmaster blog untuk mengecek seberapa populer kah web yang anda miliki, biasanya pada blog. langsung saja saja masuk pada intinya, bagaimana mempopulerkan blog anda agar rank semakin kecil.. Tips-Triknya 1. Pasang Alexa widget yang bisa anda cek di Alexa.com, lalu copy kode HTML dan pastekan ke blog anda.

Menurut pengalaman memasang Alexa toolbar di komputer membuat blog kapanpun bertambah usia, jumlah Alexanya semakin berkurang. Fungsi dari toolbar Alexa ini, selain untuk menaikkan traffic ranking di Alexa juga sebagai spy tool untuk melihat masuknya pengunjung blog.

Tip disarikan dari beberapa sumber dan terbukti mampu meningkatkan angka Alexa blog:

- Mintalah teman untuk membuat review dan memberi rate pada profil website Alexa anda.

- Buatlah tulisan dengan topik tentang Alexa. Blogger lain sangat antusias membaca tulisan tentang tips meningkatkan peringkat Alexa. Mereka akan membuat link dan menyebarkannya.

- Tebar pesona URL anda di berbagai forum webmaster karena para webmaster biasanya memasang Alexa toolbar di browser mereka.

- Buat posting yang berkaitan dengan tips dan triks untuk webmasters. Sebarkan posting anda ini di Digg atau StumbleUpm dan forum webmaster.

- Gunakan Alexa redirects untuk URL blog anda, seperti ini : http://redirect.alexa.com/redirect? www.domainanda.com. Buatlah alamat URL seperti ini pada saat anda memberi komentar di blog lain maupun sebagai signature pada forum.

- Mintalah Internet Cafe atau Warnet membuat blog/website anda sebagai Homepage semua browser mereka. Anda bisa membayar atau mengiklankam warnet mereka sebagai imbalannya.

Berbagai sumber juga mengatakan bahwa peningkatan IP unik pengunjung akan semakin membuat blog kita dicintai oleh Alexa dan Alexa rank kita akan cepat mendekati angka 1. Jelas bukan, hal ini juga selaras dengan semakin banyaknya traffic pengunjung yang mampir ke blog kita, hingga akhirnya ranking Alexa kita semakin cepat bertambah baik.

Rabu, 09 September 2009

Bagaimana Memulai Bisnis Online

Bagi anda setiap hari yang bergelut dengan dunia internet pasti anda sering membaca tentang bisnis online, barangkali anda sudah mencoba. bagi anda yang belum pernah mencoba dan tertarik bisnis online anda harus mempersiapkannya secara matang
dan menekuni dunia online secara tekun dan sebagainya.

Menekuni bisnis di internet sama saja seperti bekerja secara offline, dalam arti perlu kerja secara konsisten dan perlu proses agar benar-benar menghasilkan uang. Bisnis di internet sebagai publiser tidak dikatakan mudah atau dikatakan sulit untuk menjalaninya. Karena semua itu tergantung pada kita sendiri bagaimana mencari prospek agar sesuai dengan harapan. Ini di perhatikan agar tidak terlalu kecewa bila tidak terlalu menghasilkan, percayalah jika kita yakin insyaallah dapat penghasilan lewat dunia online.

Bisnis internet online adalah bisnis yang di lakukan secara realtime menggunakan media internet. Karenanya, proses tatap muka secara langsung sangat jarang untuk di lakukan. Jika temen-temen sudah mempelajari, tentu sudah sadar bahwa ada 3 hal penting dalam membangun sebuah bisnis online.


Sebagaimana layaknya ketika anda berdagang, tentu anda harus menjual produk. Karena dalam hukum dagang sendiri, ada uang ada barang. Nah barangnya bisa jadi berbentuk barang seperti ebook dan lain-lain, atau berbentuk jasa konsultasi bisnis. Nah produk ini harus disiapkan terlebih dahulu sebelum memilih bisnis online.


Website adalah ibarat toko dalam dunia nyata. Tanpa sebuah website, maka anda tidak punya tempat untuk menjajakan produk anda. Disinilah kegunaan website. Tentunya website ini harus dilengkapi dengan sistem automatisasi karena disinilah ujung tombak dari bisnis online sehingga proses bisa dilakukan dengan lebih cepat.


Nah ini ujung tombak dari seluruh bisnis. Karena jika anda tidak memasarkan produk anda, maka tidak akan ada yang tahu. Jika tidak ada yang tahu, maka tidak ada yang namanya penjualan. Nah pemasaran ini juga ada strateginya.

Jika anda sudah memiliki sebuah bisnis online, apapun bentuknya, baik berupa toko online, situs atau blog yang mendapatkan penghasilan dari iklan, situs pribadi, perusahaan, situs program affiliate dan lain-lain, yang jelas semuanya pasti memerlukan satu cara atau trik tertentu agar bisnisnya atau blog anda itu dikunjuni oleh banyak orang. Semakin banyak kunjungan ke sebuah situs, semakin banyak juga peluang mendapatkan penghasilan dari bisnis online tersebut.

Kamis, 03 September 2009

Plans and Strategies In Business

A business plan is part of the management. Management is a process that consists of planning, organizing, mobilization, and control to define and achieve goals that have been determined through the utilization of human resources and other resources.
Business is hope for us, and successful in the concepts and strategies needed strong to fit our plans.

Why do I need a business plan?
Writing a busines plan is a crucial first step in your business endevor and should not be taken lightly. Depending upon the goal of your business plan determines how much effort should go into writing it.

- If you will be seeking financing from a bank or other entity, then your business plan should be done well. The business plan will be highly scrutinized by a third party.. after all, it is their money that they are deciding whether or not to lend to you. In this case the business plan should have solid numbers/projections based on industry data and it should be properly referenced.

- If you are not seeking financing, then the business plan serves as more of a roadmap for the next 6-24 months of your business. You should still have a solid plan and be able to clearly identify your target market and your anticipated sales. But, since you're not seeking outside funding, the plan is not subject to as much scrutiny as above.

Major sections of a business plan
A business plan can contain many different sections depending upon your specific business or industry. Below is a typical business plan format or the major components of a solid plan; you may even consider these the minimum necessary.

1) Executive Summary - A summary of the plan. No more than two typed pages and should be written last. Someone should be able to read this and get a good feel for the business, you, and the plan.
2) Company/Business Description - Here you will outline the goals and mission of your business, the history of the business, and any other pertinent information about your proposed business activities.
3) Product or Service Description - Outline your services or products that you intend to sell. This is where you clearly state how you will monetize your business.
4) Market Analysis - Demonstrate your understanding of the market in which you are about to enter. Write about your target market and your competition.
Strategy and Implemention - Discuss your strategy for the implemention of your marketing efforts and how you will get your products/services to your customers.
Management Team - Discuss the key members of your management team and the experience they bring to the table. This many only include you at first, which is fine. But, be sure to highlight why you're qualified to run this business.
Financials - Outline the first 2 years of business financials based on your research. This should be realistic yet show that you can make a profit.